Jeff Brodsky is Barefoot Until the Last Child is Rescued

halfwaythere Jan 26, 2024
That’s a difficult enough task, but Jeff Brodsky  also does something unique to show his solidarity with those children that need to be rescued: he goes barefoot all the time. Listen to the show to hear him explain how he decided to do it and why. But also hear the passion in Jeff’s voice as he describes his heartbreak over the unspeakable evil of sex slavery and you’ll understand why God called him to this life.

What would you do if God asked you to do something strange for awhile? Not a small step out of your comfort zone but a huge leap from it?

Today’s guest is a man of action who God has used to bring joy to many children through Joy International. Jeff Brodsky founded the organization in 1981 and he shares today several stories about how God led him to start his own ministry and how it evolved over the years to the work they do today rescuing girls caught in sex trafficking around the world.

(Note: be cautious as you listen to this episode. Jeff shares his story about how God led him and while there is nothing too explicit, the nature of his work means we have to mention sex slavery. I wouldn’t listen to this one with the kids in the car if you don’t want to answer any questions about that topic.)

That’s a difficult enough task, but Jeff also does something unique to show his solidarity with those children that need to be rescued: he goes barefoot all the time. Listen to the show to hear him explain how he decided to do it and why. But also hear the passion in Jeff’s voice as he describes his heartbreak over the unspeakable evil of sex slavery and you’ll understand why God called him to this life.

Great quotes from Jeff:

When God calls you, you have a decision to make. It’s either yes or no. There is no maybe.

God tells us to look for the least of these, to search for the least of these. I did. I started years ago to search for the least of these…My search continued until I learned about the plight of children that were kidnapped, forced, or manipulated into the commercial sexual exploitation world. When I saw what was happening to these children my search ended. You cannot get any lower than these children are.

I absolutely want to see every one of them who abuse these children dead…to themselves and alive to Christ and have their lives turned around. No man is above redemption, not even the abuser of these children.

Awareness without action is apathy.

After we stopped recording, I asked Jeff what he needed and what would help most. Without skipping a beat he said “Money.” They cannot rescue girls from sex trafficking without means to send people and fund operations. I’ve never asked this of you before but will you take a moment and got to the Get Involved page on and make even a small donation. It could mean the difference to a child’s entire life.

Also, if you are new to the show or just haven’t subscribed yet, make sure you never miss an episode by subscribing in iTunes today.