Jason Feffer and Spiritual Disciplines for Your Journey

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Jason Feffer is an evangelist for the spiritual disciplines. For over twenty years he has been helping people follow Jesus in their everyday lives with his teaching and writing. Currently, he pastors The Practice, a practice-based contemplative ministry at Willowcreek Church. Today, Jason shares how he discovered spiritual disciplines, the way disciplines have shaped him, and why it’s okay to use different disciplines than those around you. Books play an important role in Jason’s journey and he shares how insight from virtual mentors shaped him.

Jason Feffer is an evangelist for the spiritual disciplines. For over twenty years he has been helping people follow Jesus in their everyday lives with his teaching and writing. Currently, he pastors The Practice, a practice-based contemplative ministry at Willowcreek Church. Today, Jason shares how he discovered spiritual disciplines, the way disciplines have shaped him, and why it’s okay to use different disciplines than those around you. Books play an important role in Jason’s journey and he shares how insight from virtual mentors shaped him.

Listen to Jason’s story now!

Stories Jason shared:

  • Growing up in a Roman Catholic church then accepting Christ as a child
  • Realizing Christ is the center of his life
  • Discovering the meaning of discipleship
  • Reading the Bible out of guilt
  • How reading transforms his journey
  • Wrestling with imposter’s syndrome
  • Feeling like he didn’t belong and how community that brought him out
  • How The Jesus Prayer shaped his journey
  • Why it’s okay to use the disciplines that work for you
  • How to pastor a church around practices

Great quotes from Jason:

My whole life is centered on my relationship with Jesus; everything flows from being a disciple of Jesus.

Sometimes the most loving thing is to allow people to be where they are.

A spiritual discipline is any practice that helps to cultivate communion with the real presence of Christ in our everyday lives.

Because we are all uniquely wired, we will all connect with spiritual disciplines in a different way.

Resources we mentioned (Amazon affiliate links that send a small commission my way if you use them):