Jason Elam and the Devastating Love of God

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
Jason Elam is the host of the Messy Spirituality podcast. Today, Jason shares the moments he was completely overwhelmed by the love of God. Jason shares his experience of God when he died on the operating table, how professional ministry damaged him, and how the love of God became his mission. Jason’s journey takes us through the rocky ground of legalism and try harder but ultimately lands in the the meadow of God’s love. Whatever your journey has brought you, Jason’s story reminds us that it’s ultimately about sharing the love of God.

Jason Elam is the host of the Messy Spirituality podcast. Today, Jason shares the moments he was completely overwhelmed by the love of God. Jason shares his experience of God when he died on the operating table, how professional ministry damaged him, and how the love of God became his mission. Jason’s journey takes us through the rocky ground of legalism and try harder but ultimately lands in the meadow of God’s love. Whatever your journey has brought you, Jason’s story reminds us that it’s ultimately about sharing the love of God.

Listen to Jason’s story now!

Stories Jason shared:

  • Growing up in the Nazarene church
  • Hearing about hell and being afraid of going there
  • Being raised in a culture of fear and how that influenced his faith
  • Dying on the operating table while getting his tonsils taken out at 12 years old
  • Serving as a missionary in Romania
  • Embracing a child who was throwing rocks at him because he was an American
  • Attending a meeting of the Brownsville revival in Birmingham, Alabama
  • Preaching a message of trying harder
  • Self-destructing when an elder opposed him
  • Divorcing his wife after a 10 year abusive relationship
  • Starting a church for people who love Jesus but not church
  • Experiencing the love of God at the gym again
  • Starting the Hope Center that served families in need
  • Starting his podcast, the Messy Spirituality podcast

Great quotes from Jason:

I saw the love of God as my mission.

God was in the friends who would still take my call.

The love of God is all there is.

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