James Prescott and Processing Grief Well

halfwaythere Feb 04, 2024
James Prescott is an author, podcaster, and Twitter boss (he’s always thought-provoking which I admire a great deal). Today, James shares the story of the trauma and grief he suffered by his mother’s sudden hospitalization as a child. When she returned to the family, her faith strengthened his but when she died years later, James began to ask God some questions. James shares his contemplative journey and why he started the Poema podcast. His story reminds us that it’s okay to ask God questions because He often uses them to mature us into his image.

James Prescott is an author, podcaster, and Twitter boss (he’s always thought-provoking which I admire a great deal). Today, James shares the story of the trauma and grief he suffered by his mother’s sudden hospitalization as a child. When she returned to the family, her faith strengthened his but when she died years later, James began to ask God some questions. James shares his contemplative journey and why he started the Poema podcast. His story reminds us that it’s okay to ask God questions because He often uses them to mature us into his image.

Listen to James’ story in your favorite podcast app now!

Stories James shared:

  • The season of grief as we endure a pandemic
  • The two responses to grief
  • Growing up in a Christian family in the Methodist
  • The moment his mom woke up after a coma
  • Being more interested in Jesus after his mom’s injury
  • Making a decision at 15 to follow Jesus
  • Growing in discipleship as a college student
  • Questioning God after his mom died
  • Finding a new community that allowed him to ask his questions
  • His changing theological beliefs
  • Finding a more contemplative expression of his faith
  • The transcendent moment during a Taizé service
  • Starting his podcast Poema

Great quotes from James:

This God I believe in is not big enough for me.

I changed how I believe as much as what I believe because how you believe is really important.

Sometimes you can be in pain and not know it

You are not alone. Whatever is going on in your life, you are not alone.

Resources we shared:

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