J. Parker and How the Gospel Applies to Sex

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
J. Parker is a Christian sex author and blogger at Hot, Holy, & Humorous and today she shares the story that led her there. J. grew up a pastor’s kid who went her own way as a young adult, including with sexuality. The baggage she took into marriage caused some difficult years and J. talks openly about their struggle. A practice of clinging to Scripture refined her until one day she realized her marriage was a lot better. When God began nudging J. to start sharing her story, Hot, Holy & Humorous was born. J. is a example and teacher of the biblical worldview of the body and sexuality.

J. Parker is a Christian sex author and blogger at Hot, Holy, & Humorous and today she shares the story that led her there. J. grew up a pastor’s kid who went her own way as a young adult, including with sexuality. The baggage she took into marriage caused some difficult years and J. talks openly about their struggle. A practice of clinging to Scripture refined her until one day she realized her marriage was a lot better. When God began nudging J. to start sharing her story, Hot, Holy & Humorous was born. J. is a example and teacher of the biblical worldview of the body and sexuality.

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Stories J. shared with us:

  • Growing up as a drag racing preacher’s kid
  • Finding Christ after college and returning to her childhood faith
  • Meeting her husband after deciding she was no longer interested men
  • Dealing with the baggage of her previous life after she was married
  • How God led her to Christlikeness toward her spouse
  • Making a spiritual discipline of 1 Corinthians 13 and why you have to stick with it for awhile
  • The verse that helped her work through shame about sex
  • Reluctantly starting a blog as a respone to God’s nudging
  • What is a biblical worldview of sexuality for single people?
  • Why you can let go of your insecurities and give yourself to your spouse
  • Humorous: don’t take sex so seriously
  • How to handle expectations in marriage

Great quotes from J.:

We use our bodies in marriage to express even the love of Christ to our spouse.

I found myself captivated by the real Jesus who was not exactly the guy that I had grown up with on the flannel board in Sunday School.

I’m a big believer in finding verses that speak to you in your particular situation and making those a part of your self talk.

If something is true about how God wants us to be and how he wants us to treat others, then all those things are true in the marriage bed as well.

The biggest thing we can do [to address expectations] is to check in with our spouse and believe what they say.

Resources J. mentioned (Amazon affiliate links which means I receive a small commission if you buy):


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