Gari Meacham and Hitting Life’s Curveballs

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
Gari Meacham is an author, speaker, and founder and CEO of The Vine Uganda, a nonprofit. Today, Gari shares the story of how her family was broken by alcohol, the picture of Jesus that kept her from suicide, and her thirty-eight year marriage to former New York Yankee Bobby Meacham. We talk about the process of rising through the ranks of baseball twice. Plus, Gari shares how her darkest moment led to her greatest ministry.

Gari Meacham is an author, speaker, and founder and CEO of The Vine Uganda, a nonprofit. Today, Gari shares the story of how her family was broken by alcohol, the picture of Jesus that kept her from suicide, and her thirty-eight year marriage to former New York Yankee Bobby Meacham. We talk about the process of rising through the ranks of baseball twice. Plus, Gari shares how her darkest moment led to her greatest ministry.

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Stories Gari shared:

  • Growing up in Colorado in an unbelieving family
  • Her father’s accident that changed their lives
  • Turning to food for comfort and struggling with anorexia in college
  • Giving her life to Christ while contemplating suicide
  • Being on fire for the Lord and digging into Scripture
  • Speaking at a conference with Beth Moore
  • Teaching elementary school while her husband coached the minor leagues
  • Founding The Vine Uganda in Houston
  • The difficult season when she learned her husband had been unfaithful
  • How the Lord healed them as they pursued Him
  • Writing book and her latest Beyond Free

Great quotes from Gari:

I am a wild woman for the Lord because I know how real he is.

The great thing about spiritual scar tissue is that it heals stronger than that tissue was before the injury.

God answers every prayer.

Resources we shared:

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