From Death to Life with God Watch Podcast’s Phil Gauthier and Jason Kane

halfwaythere Jan 29, 2024
On episode #60 of Halfway There we are trying something new: a podswap! This episode originally appeared on The Godwatch Podcast as episode #20 but the host of that show, Phil Gauthier, was gracious enough to propose a swap of interviews and the winner is you because this conversation Phil has with Jason Kane is one of the more amazing conversion stories I’ve heard. God sometimes uses the things you wouldn’t expect to get our attention but if you listen carefully, you’ll see his handiwork all over Jason’s life.

On episode #60 of Halfway There we are trying something new: a podswap! This episode originally appeared on The Godwatch Podcast as episode #20 but the host of that show, Phil Gauthier, was gracious enough to propose a swap of interviews and the winner is you because this conversation Phil has with Jason Kane is one of the more amazing conversion stories I’ve heard. God sometimes uses the things you wouldn’t expect to get our attention but if you listen carefully, you’ll see his handiwork all over Jason’s life.

Hope you enjoy this one!

Follow The Godwatch Podcast on Facebook, subscribe in iTunes, and check out Phil’s website.

Let him know you heard him on Halfway There!


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