Erin Davis and the Twin Anchors of Life in God

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Erin Davis is a speaker, author, and blogger. Her latest book is 7 Feasts: Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament. Today, Erin shares how Scripture began to make sense after her conversion, how her husband encouraged her to teach, and the season of grief that refined her. We also talk about why the Old Testament is valuable to reveal God to us. Erin’s story reminds us that God reveals himself in Scripture and we can find him wherever we read.

Erin Davis is a speaker, author, and blogger. Her latest book is 7 Feasts: Finding Christ in the Sacred Celebrations of the Old Testament. Today, Erin shares how Scripture began to make sense after her conversion, how her husband encouraged her to teach, and the season of grief that refined her. We also talk about why the Old Testament is valuable to reveal God to us. Erin’s story reminds us that God reveals himself in Scripture and we can find him wherever we read.

Listen to Erin’s story now!

Stories Erin shared:

  • Growing up in a mixed religious house in Missouri
  • Visiting a new church and being invited to a retreat
  • Giving her life to Christ at that conference
  • Discovering her gifts as she interacted in youth group
  • Noticing how Scripture made more sense after giving her life to Christ
  • Bouncing around in college a bit
  • Noticing the girls in her church’s youth group needed depth
  • How her husband encouraged her to use her gifts
  • Learning to be present with the Lord more often
  • Walking through a season of grief
  • The crucible of suffering and what she learned
  • The professor who discouraged her from writing
  • Deciding to pursue a career as a writer and teacher
  • How she decided to study the 7 feasts
  • What she hopes her book will accomplish

Great quotes from Erin:

Anywhere I could teach the Bible, I’d go.

There are two anchors in my life: God is sovereign and God is good.

If you don’t have the sovereignty of God when you’re suffering, you don’t have anything.

Resources we mentioned:

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