Erica Wiggenhorn and Learning to be Brave

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Erica Wiggenhorn a speaker and author of three Bible studies including her most recent, Letting God Be Enough: Why Striving Keeps You Stuck & How Surrender Sets You Free. Today, Erica shares how she learned to enjoy studying the Bible, how she learned the difference between faith and trust, and the moment she realized that God is enough for her. Erica also takes us through some painful moments when the Lord shaped her identity. Erica’s story reminds us that the Lord will always lead even through the dark places.

Erica Wiggenhorn a speaker and author of three Bible studies including her most recent, Letting God Be Enough: Why Striving Keeps You Stuck & How Surrender Sets You Free. Today, Erica shares how she learned to enjoy studying the Bible, how she learned the difference between faith and trust, and the moment she realized that God is enough for her. Erica also takes us through some painful moments when the Lord shaped her identity. Erica’s story reminds us that the Lord will always lead even through the dark places.

Listen to Erica’s story now!

Stories Erica shared:

  • Growing up in a Christian family but not going to church every week
  • Being terrified by the preacher at her grandparent’s church
  • Going to Christian school as a child
  • The youth pastor who patiently answered her questions
  • Feeling guilt because she didn’t enjoy reading the Bible
  • Beginning to pursue bible study while dealing with infertility
  • Realizing the difference between faith and trust
  • Learning to shed the busyness as a sign of godliness
  • The process of sanctification for her
  • The moment she learned that the Lord is enough for her

Great quotes from Erica:

You can’t teach what you won’t live.

I realized that I had been feasting on crumbs rather than dining at the Savior’s table.

When we seek his approval, we can begin to let go of self-imposed expectations.

Resources we mentioned:

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