Deanna Won and the Confidence of Providence

halfwaythere Jan 31, 2024
Deanna Won is the Founder of Keynotes to Life, international bestselling author, speaker, leadership consultant, and holistic health coach who inspires people to reach their highest potential through integrating faith and leadership principles with purposeful and healthy living. Deanna shares the story of how she overcame adversity in the Air Force Academy, cancer through holistic practices, and learned confidence in herself and God through suffering. Time and time again, Deanna found God working on her behalf even before she knew it. Her story reminds us that God is truly a loving father and working for our good.

Deanna Won is the Founder of Keynotes to Life, international bestselling author, speaker, leadership consultant, and holistic health coach who inspires people to reach their highest potential through integrating faith and leadership principles with purposeful and healthy living. Deanna shares the story of how she overcame adversity in the Air Force Academy, cancer through holistic practices, and learned confidence in herself and God through suffering. Time and time again, Deanna found God working on her behalf even before she knew it. Her story reminds us that God is truly a loving father and working for our good.

Listen to Deanna’s story now!

Stories Deanna shared:

  • Becoming a holistic health professional
  • Growing up in a Christian family believing in Jesus
  • Getting into the Air Force Academy with God’s help
  • The conflict between creativity and “solid” careers
  • Learning to draw strength from the Lord in the Air Force Academy while facing opposition
  • Developing ovarian cancer
  • Deciding she would treat cancer holistically
  • The first time she was able to sleep after her diagnosis
  • Deciding to not do chemotherapy and how the Lord spoke her
  • How God provided a medical missionary when she needed it
  • Learning confidence through her suffering
  • Deciding to become a health coach to share what she learned
  • How to get a free chapter of Deanna’s book

Great quotes from Deanna:

I saw during this time that God is a provider.

I have learned through the experience I’ve gone through to always trust God no matter what it looks like, no matter what the situation is no matter how difficult or challenging it may be.

God can really take what seems like a really horrible situation and just bring so much good out of it.

Resources we mentioned: