Dan Luigs and Faithfulness is Enough

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Dan Luigs is the founder of The Journey of a Christian Dad Podcast and FB Community. Today, Dan shares how he found faith, the moment he decided to stop keeping his appointment with God on Sunday, and the gentle way he led his family back to church. Dan is passionate about showing up for the people in your life and encourages men do the little things well and faithfully. Dan’s story reminds us that a life of faithful service is a life worth living.

Dan Luigs is the founder of The Journey of a Christian Dad Podcast and FB Community. Today, Dan shares how he found faith, the moment he decided to stop keeping his appointment with God on Sunday, and the gentle way he led his family back to church. Dan is passionate about showing up for the people in your life and encourages men do the little things well and faithfully. Dan’s story reminds us that a life of faithful service is a life worth living.

Listen to Dan’s story wherever you get your podcasts!

Stories Dan shared:

  • Growing up in a Christian family in St. Louis, MO
  • Feeling like his dad was working a lot
  • Deciding that he didn’t have to go to church anymore as a young man
  • Choosing to go to church ten years after he was married
  • Conversations with God as a child and the vision he had in church
  • Hearing about leadership in his family
  • Realizing that he needed to love his wife better
  • Finding people who he could model his life after
  • Learning how to serve other people
  • Listening to the Lord before every service
  • How to love your wife better

Great quotes from Dan:

When you want to build a habit, find people whose normal behavior is your desired behavior.

You need to put your wife as a priority in your day.

Resources we mentioned:

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