Dan & Lindsey McKenzie are Living a Big Adventure Together

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Dan & Lindsay McKenzie like to say they are “full-time adventurers” and today they share their adventure. Both Dan and Lindsay grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado in the church, explored a bit during college but ultimately returned to their faith. Their stories play off one another to weave one beautiful story. But as with every story, adversity changes the course of the narrative. Dan and Lindsay learned they could not have children. How they embraced the detour together is a story that will make you cry and inspire you to love everyone you know more deeply. It could have destroyed their faith and their relationship but instead they trusted and pursued the opportunities they could see.

Dan & Lindsay McKenzie like to say they are “full-time adventurers” and today they share their adventure. Both Dan and Lindsay grew up in Colorado Springs, Colorado in the church, explored a bit during college but ultimately returned to their faith. Their stories play off one another to weave one beautiful story. But as with every story, adversity changes the course of the narrative. Dan and Lindsay learned they could not have children. How they embraced the detour together is a story that will make you cry and inspire you to love everyone you know more deeply. It could have destroyed their faith and their relationship but instead they trusted and pursued the opportunities they could see.

Please listen and share Dan & Lindsay’s story!

Stories Dan and Lindsay shared:

  • Living full time in an RV
  • Dan grew up in a Christian home but drifted through college and returned after meeting Lindsay
  • Dan’s spontaneous and powerful baptism
  • Lindsay grew up in a Christian home and returning
  • Lindsay fell in love with Psalm 37:4 an how it shaped her
  • Dan’s interest in apologetics and learning that he does not need God to be proven
  • The difficulty of infertility and trusting God because of it
  • How their pain brought them together in a truly special way
  • The benefits of being intentional on the road
  • The community you can develop in the RV world

Great quotes from Dan and Lindsay:

We are full-time adventurers.

I wanted the desires that God wants for me not my own desires.

Sometimes you just have to follow and trust your heart and you aren’t always going to be able to carve out the plan or the life or the job or the career…sometimes the plans that you have aren’t the plans that God has and you have to listen to that.

Everything we do we think of as a team.

Resources Dan & Lindsay mentioned: