Conell & Rhonda Hollins and Marriage Matters

halfwaythere Feb 06, 2024
Conell & Rhonda Hollins are podcasters and are first time authors of their forthcoming book marriage material which is a training manual base on their experience teaching for the last 13 years. Today, Conell and Rhonda share how their relationship sharpened their faith, how they became marriage teachers, and tips for staying connected. Conell and Rhonda’s story reminds us that prioritizing your marriage is always a good idea.

Conell & Rhonda Hollins are podcasters and are first time authors of their forthcoming book marriage material which is a training manual base on their experience teaching for the last 13 years. Today, Conell and Rhonda share how their relationship sharpened their faith, how they became marriage teachers, and tips for staying connected. Conell and Rhonda’s story reminds us that prioritizing your marriage is always a good idea.

Listen to Conell & Rhonda’s story today!

Stories Conell & Rhonda Hollins shared:

  • Rhonda growing up in Chicago in a religious family
  • Rhonda outgrowing a performance based faith
  • When their son Ethan was born needing open heart surgery
  • Conell growing up in a family that went to church but didn’t believe
  • Joining the church’s marriage ministry
  • Learning how to communicate in marriage and “heated fellowship moments”
  • Rhonda wondering if their work was busy work
  • Tips for how to get reconnected when you’re busy
  • Finding time for one another
  • Why they decided to write a book

Great quotes from Conell & Rhonda Hollins:

Marriage is what you make it. It’s a long conversation checkered with disputes. (Conell)

I was doing my way instead of Yahweh. (Rhonda)

Flowers go a long way. (Conell)

Resources we mentioned:

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