Chris Taylor and Sex and Spiritual Growth

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Chris Taylor is a writer and speaker about sexual intimacy in Christian marriage. She blogs and hosts multiple podcasts about the subject. Today, Chris shares the story of how she became a Christian sex blogger. She tells us about the moment she first experienced Christian community, how sex changed from fun to burdensome, and how God gave her a message from her mess. Her story reminds us that God redeems everything for his glory.

Chris Taylor is a writer and speaker about sexual intimacy in Christian marriage. She blogs and hosts multiple podcasts about the subject. Today, Chris shares the story of how she became a Christian sex blogger. She tells us about the moment she first experienced Christian community, how sex changed from fun to burdensome, and how God gave her a message from her mess. Her story reminds us that God redeems everything for his glory.

Listen to Chris’s story today!

Stories Chris shared:

  • Here ministry to women struggling with sex in marriage
  • Growing up going to a “hippie church”
  • The moment she first experienced community
  • Learning that Jesus taught us how to live and love others
  • Having sex with her boyfriend in high school and the feeling of regret
  • The negative message she took from a Sunday School teacher about sex
  • A season of promiscuity
  • Meeting her husband and feeling that the relationship was different
  • Resenting her husband for wanting to have sex
  • Looking up Christian marriage to prove her husband wrong
  • The women’s Bible study that planted seeds
  • How God put the puzzle pieces of her desires together to create a ministry
  • Praying in images
  • Two spiritual experiences that helped her experience healing
  • Why you should take baby steps in your sexual journey

Great quotes from Chris:

Social justice is about caring for other people and making sure they have what they need to live.

I am the poster child for the idea that God uses your mess to become a message.

My sexual journey parallelled my spiritual journey in ways that still surprise me.

Resources we mentioned:

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