Chris Staron Calls a Truce on the Culture War

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Chris Staron is a film-maker and podcaster who has one of the best shows out there that you’ve never heard. It’s called Truce and his mission is to call a truce to the culture wars. Today, Chris shares his journey of fighting for his faith in college and being financially challenged while making his movies. He reminds us about the value of being hard to offend and quick to love. His journey hasn’t been easy and he’s dealt with the realities of the film business and the anxiety that goes with it. Now, Chris is creating a conversation that will change how you think about culture, politics, and faith.

Chris Staron is a film-maker and podcaster who has one of the best shows out there that you’ve never heard. It’s called Truce and his mission is to call a truce to the culture wars. Today, Chris shares his journey of fighting for his faith in college and being financially challenged while making his movies. He reminds us about the value of being hard to offend and quick to love. His journey hasn’t been easy and he’s dealt with the realities of the film business and the anxiety that goes with it. Now, Chris is creating a conversation that will change how you think about culture, politics, and faith.

Listen to Chris’s story now!

Stories Chris shared:

  • Why he started his podcast Truce
  • Growing up in Ohio in a Christian family
  • Giving his life to Christ as a 10 year old at a play
  • How his faith was tested in college
  • Why he switched from being “a bit of a Pharisee” to “hard to offend”
  • How he got into film making
  • Making connections in the film industry and his movies
  • The importance of gratitude in his journey
  • Moving to Wyoming after dealing with anxiety about funding his films

Great quotes from Chris:

It’s important to be hard to offend.

The main thing is to always be grateful.

[Jesus] came to die on a cross, so who am I to think my whole life is going to be roses?

Resources Chris mentioned: