Chris & Joi Copeland Say When God Calls You Go

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Chris & Joi Copeland are called to be missionaries to Ireland. Today Chris and Joi share why Ireland needs to hear the Gospel again and how you can help them go and share it. The call to go came at an unexpected time in an unexpected way. Joi valued stability but wondered aloud if they had missed their calling. When Chris said “Let’s go!” Joi didn’t know what to make of it. But as they explored the idea of moving their family to another part of the world for the Gospel the vision became clear that God wanted them in Ireland. They share the joys and the sacrifices the call gives and takes and why hope matters so much to them.

Chris & Joi Copeland are called to be missionaries to Ireland. Today Chris and Joi share why Ireland needs to hear the Gospel again and how you can help them go and share it. The call to go came at an unexpected time in an unexpected way. Joi valued stability but wondered aloud if they had missed their calling. When Chris said “Let’s go!” Joi didn’t know what to make of it. But as they explored the idea of moving their family to another part of the world for the Gospel the vision became clear that God wanted them in Ireland. They share the joys and the sacrifices the call gives and takes and why hope matters so much to them.

Please listen and share Chris & Joi’s story!

Stories Chris & Joi shared:

  • The work they will do in Ireland to reach the people
  • How Joi found a family in her friend’s church
  • Chris grew up learning from Irish Catholic nuns and realized he didn’t want to be confirmed
  • How Chris finally found Christ after a search for God
  • How God revealed himself as daddy to Joi
  • How Chris was discipled by an older person in his church and the tremendous need for
  • Starting their marriage over after a big argument
  • Giving one another goals on their anniversary and the goal Joi gave Chris that changed their lives
  • How God made it clear Ireland is their mission field
  • Why Ireland needs Christ represented once again
  • How you can support Chris & Joi and help them get to Ireland

Great quotes from Chris & Joi:

While I’m stable in Christ and his love for me, that does not mean we’ll have earthly stability.

It was a no-brainer. If God calls you to something, you do it.

Resources mentioned by Chris & Joi: