Cherrilynn Bisbano and the Struggle for Identity in Christ

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award winning author and speaker. Today, Cherrilynn shares about finding Christ at her lowest point, sensing God’s presence, and learning to study the Bible as a spiritual practice. Cherrilyn also shares how the Lord revealed her identity as his and used her gives to completely change her career. Cherrilynn’s story reminds us that the Lord is always working to show us who we are.

Cherrilynn Bisbano is an award-winning author and speaker. Today, Cherrilynn shares about finding Christ at her lowest point, sensing God’s presence, and learning to study the Bible as a spiritual practice. Cherrilyn also shares how the Lord revealed her identity as his and used her gives to completely change her career. Cherrilynn’s story reminds us that the Lord is always working to show us who we are.

Listen to Cherrilynn’s story now!

Stories Cherrilynn shared:

  • Helping writers achieve their dream of publication
  • Suffering 18 losses in her family in a short time
  • Growing up in New England in a military family with an abusive father
  • Looking for the way to heaven in her 20s
  • Putting her identity in her relationship with men
  • Finding Christ when her sister asked her to pray for her
  • Learning to accept God’s love for her
  • Overcoming complaining as a practice
  • Feeling a spiritual hug at her lowest point
  • The value of the word “Abba” to her
  • How the Lord is using her gift of encouragement in the writing industry
  • Why you can trust God

Great quotes from Cherrilynn:

I tried to find my identity in men, in my job, everywhere but Christ.

He wants to use you to breathe life into other people but he first needs to breathe life into you.

Immanuel is not just a Christmas carol. It’s a way of life.

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