Cherlyn Decker and Learning to Roar
Feb 05, 2024
Cherlyn Decker is a best-selling author, speaker, and coach. Today, Cherlyn shares how she spent her life trying to achieve, how it all came crashing down when she lost her job, and the steps took through the spiritual desert. Cherlyn also tells us how she ended up with a spiritual director and how that helped her during a tough time. Cherlyn’s story reminds us that the Lord often takes away our self-made and protective identities to show us our true selves.
Listen to Cherlyn’s story now!
Stories Cherlyn shared:
- Growing up in Washington DC
- Giving her life to Christ at youth camp
- Learning to hear God’s voice on a regular basis
- Surrendering her law career
- Meeting her husband at church during law school
- Receiving directional dreams from the Lord
- Hiring a spiritual director for help
- Why we have to go through the desert
- Getting rid of a poverty mindset
- How she sees herself today
- Why she wrote her book ROAR Back
Great quotes from Cherlyn:
I’m extremely mouthy with the Lord.
I never knew I was going to struggle with who I was.
God really does the best transformation work.
Resources we mentioned:
- Cherlyn’s website
- ROAR Back: Transforming Struggle Into Strength by Cherlyn Decker
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