Caroline Harries and The Invitation of Hope

halfwaythere Jan 31, 2024
Caroline Harries is an author, podcaster, and blogger at In Due Time. She also founded the ministry Moms in the Making for women waiting through a season of infertility. Today, Caroline shares the moment when she and her husband learned they would not be able to have children naturally, the works-based faith she had to break, and how the Lord used her surrender to create her ministry. Of course, waiting is a time when he shapes us most and Caroline’s story is no different. If you’re waiting for anything, Caroline’s story will encourage you to trust the Lord all the more.

Caroline Harries is an author, podcaster, and blogger at In Due Time. She also founded the ministry Moms in the Making for women waiting through a season of infertility. Today, Caroline shares the moment when she and her husband learned they would not be able to have children naturally, the works-based faith she had to break, and how the Lord used her surrender to create her ministry. Of course, waiting is a time when he shapes us most and Caroline’s story is no different. If you’re waiting for anything, Caroline’s story will encourage you to trust the Lord all the more.

Listen to Caroline’s story now!

Stories Caroline shared:

  • Growing up in a non-Christian home and going to church in middle school
  • Finding community in college while studying her Bible everyday
  • Living more like her friends than Jesus
  • Receiving a diagnosis that drove her deeper
  • Finding her husband at a church in the young adults group
  • Learning that she and her husband were unable to have children
  • Operating in a works-based mindset and how that made them miserable
  • The dream that convinced her to surrender to the Lord
  • Starting a fertility support group
  • Being disobedient and investing in her career instead of writing a book
  • Writing her book and overseeing over 50 support groups
  • How you can support friends going through infertility
  • Overcoming shame and bringing hope

Great quotes from Caroline:

We actually have a Father who wants to be with us at all times.

Everything changed when I chose to surrender our journey over to the Lord saying “It’s not by our works that we’ll become parents; it’s by your grace. It’s going to be a gift from you.”

No matter what season you’re in, whether on the mountain or in the valley, just run after him and his goodness will chase you down.

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