Britt Mooney and Reborn for This

halfwaythere Jul 29, 2024

Have you ever wondered why the Bible says that Christians are aliens and strangers in this world? How can the Gospel spread through people without power in their land?

Our guest today reminds us that the Kingdom of God often operates silently and without notice but is never inactive.

Britt Mooney is an author, podcaster, and pastor who thrives on telling great stories. Today, he share how he rebelled against cultural Christianity, discovered what it was like to really be an alien, and the theological truth about God that changed how he operated. Britt works to help believers like you understand just how counter-cultural the faith Jesus calls us to is and how beautiful a story it tells.

Listen to Britt's story wherever you get your podcasts!

Stories Britt shared:

  • Growing up in Alabama and Georgia
  • Being dragged to church as a child
  • Playing the church game and finding a personal relationship at a Christian concert
  • Rebelling against cultural Christianity
  • Becoming a public school teacher
  • Receiving a call to Asia to serve
  • How living in Korea shaped his understanding of living as an alien
  • Calling people to the Kingdom of God
  • Praying against racism, especially in the church
  • Being ready to give up on the church and the group that helped him through
  •  Writing We Were Reborn for This

Great quotes from Britt:

When God accepts you, you don’t need to be part of anyone else’s club.

We, of all people, should know that law does not change hearts.

Giving up on the Church is the first step to giving up on your faith.

Resources we mentioned:

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