Brian Zahnd and the Beauty of Christ

halfwaythere Feb 06, 2024

Brian Zahnd is a pastor, author, and America mystic. Today, Brian shares his first experience with Jesus, the season when he began to “renovate his theological house,” and how to think about deconstruction. Through his writing, Brian has become one of the pastors shining light on the path for those ready to leave American Evangelicalism but not ready to leave Christ. His latest book, When Everything’s On Fire, is his latest spotlight on the path toward Christ.

Listen to Brian’s story now!

Stories Brian shared:

  • Growing up passively going to church
  • His spiritual experience when he was 15
  • When David Wilkerson prayed for him
  • The history of thought from the Enlightenment
  • How the Jesus Movement influenced him
  • What Eugene Peterson told him about his pentecostal background
  • The men who influenced him as a pastor
  • How his church began to grow
  • Why he started to feel uneasy and what he began to read
  • Praying “God, show me what to read.”
  • The “risky” period as he sought Jesus
  • What might have happened if he missed that train
  • How he thinks about deconstruction
  • Why he likes the term “water to wine” better than deconstruction
  • How love factors into spiritual life

Great quotes from Brian:

America is a tough place to be a mystic.

If anything, I felt like I was front-sliding not backsliding.

You can do bad theology in good faith.

I need to find a Christianity that was worthy of the Christ who captured my heart.

Trust Christ and his beauty to win the day.

Resources we mentioned:

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