Bonus: Tim Morris and Why Your Heart Matters

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Tim Morris is a coach who helps people discover their unique design and live into it. Tim lives in Cleveland, OH with his wife and two daughters. He discovered that much of our theology of the human person is based on the Enlightenment rather than the Bible and is bringing back a Hebrew understanding of the heart. in this bonus episode, we talk about the heart, why it’s important to understand your design, and why it’s hard for some people with God-given gifts to use them in the church.

Tim Morris is a coach who helps people discover their unique design and live into it. Tim lives in Cleveland, OH with his wife and two daughters. He discovered that much of our theology of the human person is based on the Enlightenment rather than the Bible and is bringing back a Hebrew understanding of the heart. in this bonus episode, we talk about the heart, why it’s important to understand your design, and why it’s hard for some people with God-given gifts to use them in the church.
Topic we discussed:
  • What the Evangelical idea of the heart is currently
  • Why this understanding of the heart is dangerous
  • How the Hebrew understanding of heart is liberating
  • Why believing “the heart is deceitful” only is problematic
  • The one belief that will hinder you from accepting the truth about your heart
  • How Tim helps people understand the design of their heart
  • What happens when people discover their heart
  • The false definition of joy
  • How you discern your heart, emotions that should be let go, and the Spirit
  • Tim’s work with apostles and prophets (yes, they exist!)
  • The 5 Fold and how Tim helps them

Great quotes from Tim:

Your heart speaks through intuition.

When you actually lean into your design and step out – which means you have to step into courage – it is the hardest thing you’ll ever do because God designed you to be dependent on him.

Joy is the fruit of engaging your desire.

Links to resources we mentioned: