Billy Hallowell is Building Cultural Bridges
Jan 29, 2024
Billy Hallowell is a journalist who has appeared in places like the Washington Post, the Huffington Post, Fox News, and worked at for several years. Now, he is the senior editor at His most recent book Fault Line is about the cultural forces that shape our thinking and how to respond to them. Today he shares how Christians can build bridges to culture using a little kindness and some good stories.
Stories Billy shared:
- What he has learned about navigating differences with people who disagree with you
- His latest book Fault Line: How a Seismic Shift in Culture Is Threatening Free Speech and Shaping the Next Generation
(affiliate links)
- Why the Church needs to embrace even the unpretty stories
- Choosing Christ in New York City in his senior year of college
- What it’s like as a Christian conservative to work with liberal outlets
- How stories help him deal with the his questions for God
- Why he wrote Fault Line and how he hopes it challenges the Church to not abandon cultural engagement
Great quotes from Billy:
We talk about our faith and needing to evangelize and spread our faith, well, we are not present in any of the three areas that have the most ability to do that.
Not every story is going to be pretty…but there is a place for those stories.
What matters is faith and culture and everything else streams from that.
There’s nothing else I’ve seen change somebody instantly, like the way Jesus does. That evidence is overwhelming and we see it in people’s stories.
Books mentioned by Billy (affiliate links):
- Fault Line: How a Seismic Shift in Culture Is Threatening Free Speech and Shaping the Next Generation
- The Benedict Option: A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation