Billie Jauss and Home is Where We Are

halfwaythere Feb 05, 2024
Billie Jauss is an author, speaker, podcaster, and baseball wife. today, Billie shares how she sensed a connection to God as a young woman, when an atheist counselor advised her to go back to church, and how she as discovered the value of sharing herself with others. Billie writes and podcasts devotional material and hosts Bible studies which help many stay grounded in the Bible. She also gives us a peek behind the scenes of what it’s like living inside of baseball. Billie’s story reminds us that whatever your life is like, God is right there with you.

Billie Jauss is an author, speaker, podcaster, and baseball wife. today, Billie shares how she sensed a connection to God as a young woman, when an atheist counselor advised her to go back to church, and how she as discovered the value of sharing herself with others. Billie writes and podcasts devotional material and hosts Bible studies which help many stay grounded in the Bible. She also gives us a peek behind the scenes of what it’s like living inside of baseball. Billie’s story reminds us that whatever your life is like, God is right there with you.

Listen to Billie’s story now!

Stories Billie shared:

  • Getting into baseball and writing devotionals
  • Growing up in rural North Carolina in a protestant family
  • Sensing a connection with the Lord as a young woman
  • Separating from her husband during a hard time
  • The question her counselor asked that sent her back to church
  • The priest who advised her to go to a Bible-based church
  • How her husband noticed her growth
  • Learning Jeremiah 29:11 and what it mean to her
  • Feeling like she had to hide who she was
  • Being available when fellow baseball wives need her
  • The difficulty of being in a sport like baseball
  • The value of Baseball Chapel
  • The times she’s been disappointed in God

Great quotes from Billie:

Baseball is a family. Fans are a family.

Home is where we all are together.

He is the way, the truth, and the life. To turn back to him is what

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