Bill Brown and Waiting on the Lord

halfwaythere Jan 25, 2024
My friend Bill Brown spoke to me about learning to discern the Lord’s leading in his life. It’s one of those elusive concepts ingrained in church language but is not often taught as a matter of course in discipleship.

How do you know when it’s God speaking to you? And what if you misinterpret what you heard? These are critical questions of discernment as you experience life with God.

My friend Bill Brown spoke to me about learning to discern the Lord’s leading in his life. It’s one of those elusive concepts ingrained in church language but is not often taught as a matter of course in discipleship.

That’s why it’s so valuable to hear Bill’s story of praying, waiting, and responding to what God seems to be doing in his life. He generously shared about the time he probably waited too long and what he learned from the experience.

Bill is a godly man and I know his story will encourage you.

Quotes from our conversation:

“It’s in the training not the trying.” Dallas Willard


“I think we’ll develop throughout eternity.”


“The most valuable thing that came out of this was a greater sensitivity to that genuine peace.”


“Who can hold you better than God?”


“Inputs make a difference.”

That last quote is great because Bill and I have a running conversation about the influence of the media and how Christians can be savvy media consumers. He’s so serious about the topic that he created and taught a class for the middle school where he teaches.

Books Bill recommended (Amazon affiliate links):

Last Words of Wisdom from Bill:

He is intimate and personal. And grand and majestic. He hates sin more than we like to believe. But absolutely loves and forgives us more than we find it easy to believe. What more can you say? He is the meaning of life.

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