April Diaz and Power and Justice in the Kingdom

halfwaythere Feb 02, 2024
April Diaz is the founder and lead warrior of Ezer + Co. She is also a wife, mom, advocate, and disruptor all of which we get a small glimpse of in this conversation. Today, April shares her story of starting full time ministry early in life, learning to take care of herself so she can lead better, and the clarity brought by a difficult season. Her ministry, Ezer + Co, is helping women “lead with wholeness” and bringing out the best in them to create a better world. April’s heart for the oppressed shines through in this conversation and reminds us of God’s heart for them, too.

April Diaz is the founder and lead warrior of Ezer + Co. She is also a wife, mom, advocate, and disruptor all of which we get a small glimpse of in this conversation. Today, April shares her story of starting full time ministry early in life, learning to take care of herself so she can lead better, and the clarity brought by a difficult season. Her ministry, Ezer + Co, is helping women “lead with wholeness” and bringing out the best in them to create a better world. April’s heart for the oppressed shines through in this conversation and reminds us of God’s heart for them, too.

Listen to April’s story now!

Stories April shared:

  • Starting Ezer + Co., speaking, and telling her story
  • Growing up in the Midwest in a farming family while her dad pursued ministry
  • Leading as a high schooler and how that opened up her ideas
  • The people who invested in her well
  • Hearing God say “go to the land I will show you” and where that led their family
  • Wrestling with panic attacks
  • The good advice she received from a spiritual director
  • Moving to California to take a middle school pastor position
  • How a monthly practice of silence and solitude keeps her grounded
  • Moving back to the Midwest and feeling out of place
  • The clarity that the difficult season brought
  • Recognizing the privilege of being a white girl
  • Started Ezer + Co. and the ways that challenged her theology

Great quotes from April:

I love challenging things. I’m all about burning down all the stuff that hurts people. And I want to rebuild things that are for all of us not just those with the power.

God is powerful and desires for there to be justice for us all.

Self-leadership is what makes or breaks our ability to stay leading.

Resources we shared:

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