Anna Scheller and Yielding to Grace on the Way

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Anna Scheller is a wife of 36 years, mom of 7, black belt and business owner. Today, Anna shares her story of learning to trust God through anxiety, losing money in business, and dealing with abuse of her children. Anna stands out as an example of how the Lord uses such difficult times to refine  and gives the grace needed at just the right time. Annaā€™s heart for mentoring women and teaching sales as a service will inspire you to be just a little more confident and take the next step toward the abundance of the Kingdom.

Anna Scheller is a wife of 36 years, mom of 7, black belt and business owner. Today, Anna shares her story of learning to trust God through anxiety, losing money in business, and dealing with abuse of her children. Anna stands out as an example of how the Lord uses such difficult times to refine  and gives the grace needed at just the right time. Anna’s heart for mentoring women and teaching sales as a service will inspire you to be just a little more confident and take the next step toward the abundance of the Kingdom.

Please listen and share Anna’s story!

Stories Anna shared:

  • Her ministry now including a Taekwondo ministry
  • What she’s learned about her faith from Taekwondo
  • Finding Christ after her sister died by watching Billy Graham on television
  • Beginning to read the Bible everyday
  • How memorizing Scripture helped her overcome anxiety
  • Serving in her church together
  • Yielding to grace in her business
  • The abundance of the Kingdom of God
  • How Anna learned to trust that God speaks to us today
  • The gratitude God brought when two of her children were sexually assaulted
  • Her heart to mentor young women
  • God’s desire for us to prosper and live in abundance
  • Sales as service not arm twisting

Great quotes from Anna:

I had no peace but I wanted peace from God.

Jesus cares about every aspect of your life and if you’re willing to yield it to him, he will lead you through it and out of it. And you will be singing and dancing and rejoicing before you know it.

Prosperity is a bigger picture than money in the bank.

Resources Anna mentioned: