Andrew McWilliams and Learning Abundance

halfwaythere Feb 10, 2024
Andrew McWilliams is the founder of The McWilliams Group Real Estate and Andrew McWilliams Coaching. Achieving top 1% status among all RE/MAX agents internationally, Andrew has guided many new and seasoned agents to success, sharing philosophy, lessons, and principles from his personal journey. Today, Andrew shares his struggle to find his place in ministry, how a rejection led him to a new level of ministry, and why sometimes having a truck is magical. We also talk about mindset and how much flows from that starting place. Andrew’s story reminds us that when we trust the Lord we can’t play small.

Andrew McWilliams is the founder of The McWilliams Group Real Estate and Andrew McWilliams Coaching. Achieving top 1% status among all RE/MAX agents internationally, Andrew has guided many new and seasoned agents to success, sharing philosophy, lessons, and principles from his personal journey. Today, Andrew shares his struggle to find his place in ministry, how a rejection led him to a new level of ministry, and why sometimes having a truck is magical. We also talk about mindset and how much flows from that starting place. Andrew’s story reminds us that when we trust the Lord we can’t play small.

Listen to Andrew’s story wherever you get your podcasts!

Stories Andrew shared:

  • Growing up in NE Georgia
  • Learning that faith is a relationship
  • Looking for the “one thing” he should be doing
  • Getting into ministry while looking up to teaching pastors
  • The staff retreat that changed everything
  • The definition of success and how it changed
  • How being rejected from his church gave him a new identity
  • Learning that there are seasons
  • Finding his wife because she had a truck
  • Starting out in real estate
  • Why he had to avoid the self-help aisle
  • Discovering how the gurus he liked were citing Scripture
  • Learning about abundance and becoming a co-creator
  • Discovering that he was actually a shepherd of his team
  • The invitation to contribute to Think Big!
  • Sharing his bankruptcy story

Great quotes from Andrew:

I saw a bigger God at that point.

I’ve hit a plateau and I need to find the bigger path because this one is too small.

I had to get outside the church to get to where I could hear other voices but I found God right there.

There’s so much God has for us and we are playing small.

Resources we mentioned:

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