Aaron Walker from the Valley to the Mountaintop

halfwaythere Jan 30, 2024
Aaron Walker is a life and business coach, author, and mastermind facilitator. Aaron has been successful all his life with business all over Nashville. From the outside, it appeared he had everything together. He did all the right things like going to church, reading his Bible, and praying every day. His life took a dramatic turn on August 1, 2001 when his car struck a pedestrian sending him into a five year dark night of the soul. Aaron opens up about the darkness of that period and the way it deepened his relationship with the Lord. Today, Aaron mentors men through mastermind groups and coaching, a significant impact he may never have reached without going through that difficult experience.

Aaron Walker is a life and business coach, author, and mastermind facilitator. Aaron has been successful all his life with business all over Nashville. From the outside, it appeared he had everything together. He did all the right things like going to church, reading his Bible, and praying every day. His life took a dramatic turn on August 1, 2001 when his car struck a pedestrian sending him into a five year dark night of the soul. Aaron opens up about the darkness of that period and the way it deepened his relationship with the Lord. Today, Aaron mentors men through mastermind groups and coaching, a significant impact he may never have reached without going through that difficult experience.

Listen to Aaron’ story now!

Stories Aaron shared:

  • Growing up in a Christian family in Tennessee
  • Giving his heart to Christ at a revival in 1970
  • How his life changed when he hit a pedestrian in his car on August 1, 2001
  • What his life was like before the accident
  • Why he was angry going through the dark night
  • How he learned prayer is not just asking God for things
  • Learning to memorize Scripture in his morning routine
  • How he ended up in a mastermind with Dave Ramsey
  • How he helps people with Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind Groups

Great quotes from Aaron:

There’s no way I would wish that on my worst enemy, yet I wouldn’t take anything for it because it pointed me in the right direction.

If you have total clarity you don’t need faith.

I want to give my life to something bigger than me.

Isolation is the enemy to excellence.

Resources Aaron mentioned: